September 6 First Day of Classes
October 24-30 ★Wear Your Halloween/Old Dance Costume Week★
31 Halloween – no afternoon classes
November 1 Charging Recital Fees to all recital classes (non-refundable)
26-30 Thanksgiving Break (studio closed) Classes running on Mon,11/25
December  2 Classes Resume
15 NSB Nutcracker Performance Day – The Berman
23-31 Holiday Break (studio closed)
January 1 Holiday Break (studio closed)
2 Classes Resume
20 MLK Day (studio closed)
25 Advanced MTP Performance- Performance Times TBA @ The Berman Center for the Performing Arts
February 10-15 ★ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE week!★ 
17-21 President’s Day and Mid-Winter Break (studio closed) – Please note: We are running classes on Saturdays, February 15 and February 22! 
24 Classes Resume
March 15 Tuesday/Thursday MTP Performance – The Berman Center 
24-30 Spring Break (studio closed) – Please note: We are running classes on Saturday, March 22
31 Classes Resume
April 7-10 Southfield Recital Photo Week (in-studio, more info to come)
14-17 Birmingham Recital Photo Week (in-studio, more info to come)
May 23-26 Memorial Day weekend (studio closed)
30-31 Recital Performances at Michael A. Guido Theatre (SAVE AND BLOCK THE DATES
June 2-7 Classes resume, In-Class Achievement Awards
9-14 Fun & Flexible Dance Week – more details to come

*These dates are tentative and subject to change